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Shae K

How Technology Affects the Past, Present, and Future

When you think of the world and where you will end up in your life, technology is a big part of it. When you wake up in the morning and hit snooze on your alarm clock, you are using technology. If you go downstairs to watch Netflix, you are using technology. Even when you get in a car and play your favorite music, it's all technology.

The evolution of technology is advancing rapidly. One day it looks like robots might take over the world! Aldous Huxley has a quote that states “Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backward.” Even after his death, the quote continues to grow more and more relevant. The smartphone was created in 2009, and now more than 81% of Americans have one.

Technology isn't all iPhones and computers, though. Printers, fax machines, and robotic machines are also a kind of technology. As our world becomes more technologically advanced, the number of people using it each day rapidly increases too.

We have found more ways to make technology complete basic tasks like vacuuming, going to the grocery store, and driving. Now, you can order a robot vacuum cleaner, go on your phone and order groceries online, and use Uber to call a car. Eventually, technology might cure world hunger if it continues to advance on this trajectory.

I made a survey and sent it to adults of ages 30 and up to see what they thought of the changes, benefits, and disadvantages of technology and the internet. Instead of interviewing one person, I thought about all the adults who grew up with no technology. Growing up long ago must have been very different than how it is today. You can always talk to a guardian about what their life was like when they were young or what they think technology has fixed and broken.

The first question was: When you were born, was there any internet? The unanimous answer was “no.” The next question was: “How much has changed since then?” Again there was one unanimous answer of “so much.” Next, the question was: “What do you find is the best thing about wifi or technology?” Some answers were: “You have the ability to connect and communicate with people all over the world,” “You can have any answer at your fingertips, and it can feel very freeing,” and “You can learn from home and educate yourself anywhere and anytime.”

There are countless good things that come from technology, but there are also many bad effects. So the next question was: “What do you find the worst thing about the Internet or technology?” The answers stated: “It is very addictive and can take you away from your present life,” “It can have a really negative effect on the new generation,” and “When you post or text, you lose your tone and the boundary between what you would say and what you wouldn't say to someone's face.”

The last question was “What do you think technology will be like 20-30 years in the future?” The answers were: “Technology will only be more advanced and refined in that time,” “Technology will get better at reading what we like and what we need,” “Hopefully, we will have more advanced renewable energy to power what will become quicker smarter devices,” and “Technology will find ways to weave into our lives and become even more apart of our daily routines.”

Something that came up in a lot of answers was the effect of social media. Social media is something that affects us more personally. Some think social media is like a cover. It's all online, so people feel like they can get away with certain things they might not if they were having an in-person conversation. Social media is a fairly new system, and the amount of time an average person spends on their phone increasingly rises. The systems in place make it able to spread news in a second to anyone in the world. This can really benefit us, but it also allows for fake news and hurtful words to spread instantaneously.

Technology is not all bad; it's saved thousands of lives with new medical machines and ways of monitoring your body daily. It's not bad to sit on your couch watching Netflix. It only becomes a problem if you do the same thing, repeatedly, for too long. Even exercising can become a problem if you are overworking. It's important to educate yourself and make sure technology isn't completely taking up your time.

If you want to learn more, there is a really informative documentary called The Social Dilemma. It talks about the benefits and disadvantages of social media. I found it very educational, and it helped me to understand exactly what is happening when we open Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

It's important to have a balance between technology and going outside or playing a game. The amount of time on your devices, including a TV, might vary for different people. You have to find what is right for you. As technology progresses throughout our lives, think “how is this benefiting me, and how is it negatively affecting me?” If you ask yourself this question every time you get a new phone or spend a lot of time on a device, you might be more likely to try to get outside or separate yourself from a screen, and break the bonds of technology.


“Technology and society: How Technology has changed our lives”

By: JD Wardynski | Published October 24, 2019

The Social Dilemma: A documentary created and directed by Jeff Orlowski

Aldous Huxley Quote Ends and Means, a book by Aldous Huxley published in 1937

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