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Ella F


People’s feelings about cats have always been controversial. Some people think they are cruel and selfish, while others believe they are wonderful and loving. However, no matter what opinions people may have on the personality traits of cats, few actually know much about their history and how they came to be.

Let’s start at the beginning. 50 million years ago, well before any humans walked the earth, the progenitor of the cat family lived. This was during the Eocene period. These prehistoric cats were the ones who evolved into the cats we know today, both large and small! Another ancient, and extinct, cat species was the saber tooth tiger. These cats were given their name on account of their long, saber-like teeth, used for stabbing their prey. Other types of ancient cats included the dinictis, little cats about the size of a modern serval, and the thylacosmilus, which looked similar to the saber tooth tiger but was actually of no relation.

Around 5,000 years ago, several million years after the first cats lived, the close relationship between humans and felines developed. It is thought to have started when humans discovered how well wild cats hunted the mice that stole their food. They began to keep the cats, and eventually, they were domesticated.

Then, about 3,000 years ago, there lived the most famous cat lovers of all time: the ancient Egyptians. The people of ancient Egypt absolutely worshipped cats. It is thought that they may have been the first to domesticate cats, but this has not yet been proven; some believe they were also domesticated in Asia and Europe. One of the Egyptian goddesses, Bastet (also known as Bast, Pasht, and Ubastet), had a head that looked like a cat. She was the goddess of music, dancing, protection from evil spirits and diseases, and guarded the safety of pregnant women. Another goddess, Sekhmet, had a head of a lion. Sekhmet was known as “The Great Cat,” while Bastet was known as “the Little Cat”. The Egyptians paid tribute to the cat goddess by holding a festival in April and May, shaving their eyebrows when their cats died, and even mummifying them and placing them in Bastet's temple.

Although the ancient Egyptians are no longer around, felines are still loved around the world. Cats are one of the most popular animals on the planet, and although they are occasionally depicted as having an unlikeable personality, they are still exceedingly loved. Speaking from experience, you certainly do not need to own a cat to love them. If you have family members who are allergic, if you are allergic, or you have another reason you cannot adopt one, there are still plenty of other options. You can join a cat club, help out at a local shelter, and even visit cat cafes! If you are looking to adopt, you can check out a local shelter or animal rescue. You should be sure to look at shelters and other places selling cats who may have been found on the streets, or not loved well enough by their previous owners first, before going to a pet store. I hope this article has left you knowing a little bit more about cats than you did before and maybe loving them more too. “The memories and paw print of a beloved cat remain in our heart and soul forever.”- Unknown

​​Clutton-Brock, Juliet. Cat.

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Ella Feige
Ella Feige
Feb 05, 2022

Thank you Gianna! 💕


Gianna Obersovszey-Szeghy
Gianna Obersovszey-Szeghy
Feb 04, 2022

Ella, I love this article so much! Great job!😻


Ella Feige
Ella Feige
Feb 02, 2022

Thank you Cy!


Cy Butler
Cy Butler
Feb 01, 2022

Ella this post was amazing! Continue the great work! 🐱

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