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Bryce L

Every Nine Seconds

Covid: the cause of domestic abuse rates rising immensely. People are stuck at home with their abusers all day due to lockdown. In the United States before Covid, 20 people per minute are abused by their significant other. Shelters have never been more desperate or limited. Numerous people are fleeing every day from abusive partners or loved ones. According to DoSomething.Org, half of all homeless women and children in the U.S. are escaping violence in the home.

Domestic abuse isn't something that is talked about by many, although it is a very important and scary issue. NCADV states one fourth of women will experience some sort of violence or abuse within their life. It is a very personal subject, and people often have a difficult time telling anyone. Most abusers will threaten their victim and make the victim feel like if they tell anyone the abuser might hurt them or someone they love.

While you read the last two paragraphs, 4 women in the US were assaulted or beaten. Every 9 seconds a woman suffers from severe pain because of a loved one. She most likely feels obligated to stay loyal to her abuser and not tell anyone about what happened. Domestic violence does affect both men and women but the majority of the victims are women.

Shelters normally have a lot of volunteers, but due to the conditions we are in right now, they are very low on staff. Haven Hills is a domestic abuse shelter that works to help victims of abuse by taking them into one of their hidden shelters to keep them safe. Haven Hills helps these victims get back on their feet and begin a new life away from their abusers. These types of shelters are hidden so that it keeps the people there safe.

Abuse is an incredibly terrifying occurrence and a worldwide issue that is most common in a romantic relationship. Normally a partner wants to gain power over their significant other mainly by either mentally, physically, sexually, or emotionally assaulting them. It is crucial to remember that when abusers threaten, they are likely lying to scare the victims.

If you are ever put in a position where someone assaults you, it is extremely important to tell a trusted adult. If you feel uncomfortable talking to someone you know, you can call or text this number and you will receive help right away.

  • Los Angeles County Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-978-3600

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233

  • Teen suicide hotline

Open, 365 days a year, 24 hours.

To help raise money for this cause, I am selling beaded mask holders. With 100% of the profit from these mask holders, I will buy items off of Haven Hills’ Amazon wishlist. These items are then shipped directly to the shelter. If you are interested in purchasing a mask holder please contact me at

Here are some beaded mask holders I have made!

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1 Comment

May 17, 2021

Thanks for shedding some light on this issue, Bryce.

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