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Alex S

Why Trump Thinks He Won

Updated: Nov 17, 2020

Despite the fact that most major news networks, including Fox News, have called the election in favor of Joe Biden, Donald Trump still thinks he won. Many have predicted this could happen, but no one expected his denial to be so severe. Ever since his lead in battleground states grew smaller, the tweeting picked up. His first “press conference” came Tuesday night (early Wednesday morning). It was more of a campaign rally than a press conference because every second of it was a lie. He said he already won, claiming that if they only counted the “legal ballots,” he would have “obviously won.” When he lost Michigan and Wisconsin, he became more furious and turned to tweeting more. He told his pollster to say “stop the count” in states where he once was winning like Michigan and Wisconsin, and he said to “count the votes” in states in which he was behind like Arizona.

Another “press conference” was held on Thursday from the White House briefing room that was so filled with lies, major news networks such as MSNBC and CNN did not show the whole ordeal. Friday, we did not hear physically from the president, but he was loud and clear on Twitter, saying the ballots that arrived after the election are illegally cast (in most states ballots can arrive as late as Friday of election week) and perpetuating conspiracy theories that officials in Arizona threw away ballots because the voters used a Sharpie (that is also false). As of Monday the 9th, we have not heard from the president, but he has, again, been very vocal on Twitter. Many believe he will not give a concession speech and that he will blockade himself in the Oval Office on Inauguration Day. However, if there is one thing we have learned from this experience, it’s that Donald Trump does not want to be seen as a loser.

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